Illinois Democrat ward committeeman Aaron Goldstein is running for Illinois Attorney General. He and his entourage were in the Albany Park neighborhood on Chicago’s north side yesterday afternoon, shooting some promotional campaign photos on his home turf. That’s when he was approached by three men who threatened to do a little shooting of their own.
One of the men flashed a handgun and demanded the camera equipment and other personal belongings from the team, according to police.
The gunman and two other men robbed Goldstein and four others of camera equipment and their cellphones before they ran away, the law enforcement source said. As of Thursday evening, no one was in custody, police said.
As a profile earlier this week of the of the Windy City machine pol detailed, dealing with “gun violence” is one of the primary pillars in his “bold, progressive agenda.”
He will undertake unique, progressive solutions to the spread of gun violence, including going after gun manufacturers and the NRA whose sole vested interest is to sell more guns.
I guess that depends on how you define “unique.” That line would be right at home as a policy priority on the web site of virtually every other Democrat politician in Illinois. Not to mention the rest of the country. Verbatim.
So he was spouting all the usual guns-are-the-problem and NRA-is-the-great-Satan nostrums the Democrat voters who dominate the northern part of his deep blue state want to hear. Anyone think staring down the barrel of a gun will now bring about a road to Damascus change in his view of armed self defense? Anyone?
“So, as far as the campaign, we are moving forward,” (Campaign manager Robert) Murphy said. “Basically, this was a totally a random act of violence in the community. But when it happens to you, of course, you’re shooken up.
Shaken, too. Don’t look for the former federal prosecutor and avowed progressive to rethink his stance on Second Amendment rights. This is, after all, Illinois we’re talking about.
What do you want to bet that the perp was wearing an ankle monitor?
I don’t doubt he was for a minute. Except those cost money. And Rohm wouldn’t spend the $$$ to have it monitored.
It wont make any real difference in this guys stance. Blame the gun, blame the NRA. The robbers were just innocent victims of the last 120 years or so of the Democratic parties running of the city.