Those with a keen eye may have noticed a new optic from Holosun sitting atop some pistols during SHOT Show 2020.
Prototype Holosun Optic
I first noticed the new optic at the CZ booth. Immediately I noticed how short the body was, and the different placement of the solar panel. I hurried down to speak with the Holosun reps and see what this was all about. This is a new, unnamed prototype.
What sets it apart from everything else in the Holosun lineup is its complete lack of batteries. It is entirely solar powered. In its current state the prototype Holosun optic can produce roughly 2,000 hours of power after charging in the sun for 6-8 hours. The brightness adjusts automatically, as there are no external controls.
With its reliance on solar power, the optic can be shaped in ways never before possible, due to restrictions from battery size and location. Notice how the serrations on the side of the optic mate perfectly with the slide serrations on the CZ P10. This can be replicated with Glock, IWI, FN, and more; all of which have one of these prototypes in hand for testing. The extremely short body means that standard height sights can be used, saving both window space and money.
There is currently no timeline for release and no price point for this optic. In fact, it may never even come to fruition in this form. Keep an eye out for updates as development continues!
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