One of the biggest shortcomings of 30 Super Carry, as of the time of this writing, is the lack of support from firearms manufacturers. As it stands, only Smith & Wesson, with their Shield Plus and Shield EZ, offer mass produced pistols in the caliber. More recently, Hi Point began producing their carbine in 30SC as the sole long gun provider.
Of course I’d love to see everyone supporting 30 Super Carry, but I don’t know how realistic that is at this time. Instead, I’ve created a list of companies that I think are reasonable early-adopters of 30SC, helping to grow its popularity. Spoiler alert: Glock is not on this list, as the monolith is regularly late to the party, as evidenced by the releases of the G43 and G49, to name a few.
Setting the Stage
This list isn’t something arbitrarily pulled from where the sun don’t shine. There’s actually some thought that went into these suggestions. Several of the companies below already make guns in less common calibers such as 22TCM, 5.7×28, 38 Super, or 30SC already. That familiarity with the uncommon should help them adapt to further change, helping them effectively bring guns in 30SC to market.
Most suggestions here sit on the more affordable side of the spectrum. While high end guns are valuable, mass market support for 30SC will be easier to achieve if the barrier to entry is lower. These guns are far from cheap chinesium, but you won’t find Staccato or H&K on the list.
Additionally, all of these companies either make guns between P365 and G19 in size, or a 1911. The unending fight for capacity in micro-compacts lends itself to supporting 30SC, getting an edge over the competition. Single stack pistols also benefit, bringing their capacity into double digits while maintaining effectiveness.
The Companies
Palmetto State Armory
Palmetto State Armory enjoys a fairly unique position as both a firearms and ammunition manufacturer. This could come as a benefit however, developing budget focused guns and ammo for the average shooter. Their 5.7×28 Rock shows an interest in non-traditional calibers, and the Glock-like Dagger provides a perfect host for 30 Super Carry.
Even their carbines, such as the AK-V, or various AR pattern guns would make for solid plinkers or defensive tools. With a little work, I imagine 30SC out of a longer barrel could be like a modern M1 Carbine.
Ruger is a champion of combining interesting designs with solid quality. Whether it’s rotary magazine rifles, polymer frame revolvers, or compact pistols, Ruger has you covered. More recently, the company has dipped its toes into the 5.7×28 game, along with other rounds like 327 Federal Magnum, 41 Magnum, and 30 Carbine.
As a direct competitor to the SIG P365, the Ruger Max-9 could easily gain a capacity advantage with 30 Super Carry. In a world focused on keeping up with the Jones’ capacity, a few more rounds could make all the difference. Even the single stack EC9s would move up a round or two, bringing an additional serving of stopping power to the fight. Carbines are covered with the LC and stellar PC series.
With the inventiveness of Kel-Tec, but far more dependability, Ruger is a perfect fit for bringing 30SC to the masses.
Rock Island Armory/Armscor
Rock Island Armory and Armscor share a similar position to PSA. Both offer ammunition and firearms manufacturing without charging an arm and a leg. While not exactly mainstream, their 22TCM maintains reasonable popularity and a solid reputation. Similarly, a wide variety of single and double stack 1911 pistols are ready to have their meager capacity upgraded with the svelte 30SC.
Smith & Wesson
I hear it now, “But S&W already makes gun in 30SC!” cries the angry commenter below. This is true, I even own a 30SC Shield Plus. However, the company only supports the caliber with two product lines. I want to see Smith beat Glock to the punch, providing their stellar M&P2.0 series to the law enforcement market before the Austrians or SIG can jump into action. Bringing a serious duty grade gun to market will give legitimacy to 30 Super Carry, and S&W already has a head start.

In addition to this, I’d love to see Smith & Wesson bring out a Glock 48 competitor. As mentioned in my segment about law enforcement use of 30SC, there’s a gap in capability here. Using the Shield Plus as a template, Smith can simply extend the dust cover then add a slim rail. Next, you extend the frame down to where the extended Shield Plus magazine’s sleeve ends, providing a longer grip, and a non-sleeved, but proven, magazine. Now you’ve got a direct competitor to the ever popular G48, for both civilian and LE use.
Smith & Wesson, you already know how to work with 30 Super Carry. Put that knowledge to good use. You don’t want this to end up like the 356 TSW, right?
Caleb, if you’re reading this, I know you said Taurus wouldn’t support 30SC. Just hear me out for a second. Taurus is a huge manufacturer of arms for both civilian and law enforcement hands. Over the past few years, the company’s reputation has seen a massive improvement, with newer lines being very well received. As a previous Taurus hater, I’ve been reformed after time with the G3 Tactical, 856 TORO, 856 Executive Grade, and more. Despite their budget pricing, Taurus pistols are on the up and up.
Looking into their sales outside the US, the company is familiar with more than just traditional service rounds. 38 Super is an incredibly popular chambering for Taurus in South America, where “military” calibers are often restricted. While common OCONUS, this is far from the norm in the United States, though Taurus seems to have dropped domestic support. Take the spirit of our southern brethren in hand, and modernize it with 30 Super Carry. Best SIG at their own capacity war with the Gx4, or bring your 1911’s into the double digit realm with 12+1 rounds.
We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close to providing capacity and security to the galaxy. Bring 30 Super Carry to the Taurus lineup.
Wrapping Up the Companies Who Need to Support 30 Super Carry
If we want 30 Super Carry to survive, shooters need more options. We cannot expect the industry giants, nor small businesses, to suddenly pivot to what some would call a flash in the pan. That said, a few more makes and models of handguns or carbines could make all the difference.
What do you think of these suggestions? Is there someone you want to see start supporting 30SC? If so, let us know in the comments! Pick up a few boxes of ammo, then start bothering the companies through email or social media. If we keep our thoughts to ourselves, we’ll have nobody else to blame if 30SC fizzles out without a fight.
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I’m right there with you, brother. I’ve bought 3 Shield Pluses in 30 SC and stuck back 1000 rounds of ammo. I’ve been pestering Underwood Ammo to make an Xtreme Penetrator and Xtreme defender in this new caliber. And I would pay a ridiculous amount of money for either a Glock 19 or S&W 2.0 chambered in 30 SC.
Recently I’ve been seeing people talk about how they wish they could carry something small and convenient with the capacity, performance, and shooting characteristics of their full size guns. These conversations are being driven by the recent spat of terror attacks across the US and abroad over the holidays. Once again reminding people that 30SC offers all of that. I get better capacity than my G19 in the Shield Plus with comparable performance in 30SC. Everyone likes to wish for things, but few will actually make a move to support it.
Good post, Dan. 30sc seems like it could do well of the market would get behind it. Just a matter or getting the proverbial ball rolling.
That’s what I’m hoping to do with a few articles over the coming weeks. It had a little bit of hype around SHOT in 2022, but quickly died out. I think the round makes sense, but it doesn’t really get much coverage. There’s a pretty big primer coming out in a few weeks where I’ll have 30SC on the clock versus a comparable 9mm gun, ballistics gel testing, and more. My hopes aren’t high for the round to be a success, but I’m sure doing my best to get it the support it deserves.